colorful baby cubes spelling italian baby names for girls
Italian Lifestyle

100 Italian names for girls you will love

100 Italian names for girls to help you pick the perfect baby name or to learn the origin and meaning of an Italian name you love.

Whe we learned we were expecting a baby girl, my husband and I knew we wanted her to have an Italina name.

I am Italian (read about me here), he is Irish, so it made perfect sense for us to give her an Italian first name and keep his Irish surname, a true inernational baby!

Choosing an Italin name for a by girl however wasn’t easy as we wanted it ot be beautiful (that was the easy part, Italian names can be wonderful), easy to pronounce in all languages and we also wanted it ot have a beautoful meaning

An so the research started!

We read baby name books, websites and recalled every italian girl name we could think of and we compiles a list iof 1000 possible names.

This is that list, plus a shortlist of the most popular Italian names for baby girsl in 2020: I hope it comes in handy!

Love Italy? Then you may enjoy our FREE Facebook Group about Italy with kids, full of travel tips and cultural tidbits about Italy! Join it here

Mot popular Italian baby names for girls in 2020

In 2020, the most popular Italianj names for baby girls were:

  1. Sofia
  2. Giulia
  3. Aurora
  4. Alice
  5. Ginevra
  6. Emma
  7. Giorgia
  8. Greta
  9. Beatrice
  10. Anna

Long list coming! Pin this for later so you have it at your fingetips!

Letter cubes against pick background spelling: Italian names for girls

Italian names for girls: in alphabetical order

In alphabetical order, these are 100 of the most popular Italian names for girls with the most likely origin (according to books and wesbites on the topic) and meaning.

NameMost likely origin/Linguistic RootMost likely meaning
AdaGerman / HebrewNoble, beautiful, adorned
AdeleGerman (deriv. Ada)Noble, of noble origin
AgneseGreek, then LatinPure, caste
AlessandraGreek ‘protector, savior’
AlessiaGreek ‘protector, savior’
AliceGerman Noble
AlmaLatin ‘giver of life’
AmeliaGerman‘active, hard working’
AnnaHebrew‘divine grace, blessed’
AntonellaLatinFlourishing or possibly ‘fighter’, fem. of Antonius
AntoniaLatinFlourishing or possibly ‘fighter’ (see above)
AriannaGreekSacred and pure
AsiaPron. Ah-see-aAsia (continent)
AzzurraOf the color of saffire
BeatriceLatinShe who beatifies, makes holy
BiancaLatinWhite, splendent
CamillaGreekServant to the Temple / Minister of God
CarlaGerman‘strong’, corageous
CarlottaLike Carla, see above
CeciliaLatinAncient Roman name, Lit. ‘Blind’
ChiaraLatinBright, clear
ClaudiaLatinPatrician Roman name, Claudius
CostanzaLatinConsistent, strong
CristinaGermanOf Christ, christian
DonatellaLatinGiven, gifted
ElenaGreekSplendent, bright
EleonoraProbably derivative of ElenaBright
ElettraGreekBright, splendent
ElisaHebrew Pron. E-lee-saGod is perfect
EmiliaLatinAncient Roman Family Name
ElviraHebrew Temple of God
EugeniaGreekBorn well
FabianaLatinFrom Roman Name Fabius
FedericaGermanKing, sovereign
FlaviaLatinFrom Roman family name Flavius/Flavia
FrancescaFrenchOf France, widespread asfter St Francis
GabriellaHebrewHero with the help of God
GiovannaHebrewGift from God
GinevraWelshWhite spirit
GiorgiaGreekOf the land, famer
GiuliaLatinFamily name Julius/Julia
GiulianaLatinDevout to Jupiter
GretaGreek Pearl
IoleGreek Violet
IsabellaHebrewGod is my abundance
LaviniaLatinAncient Roman family name, in origin seems to have meant ‘pure’
LiviaLatinAncient Roman name
LorenzaLatinAncient Roman name, probably associated with Laurentium (place)
LuciaLatin Pron Lu-chee-aLight, bright, shining
MartaHebrewLady, Dame of the house
MartinaLatinSacred to Mars (see below)
MarziaLatinSacred to Mars
MatildeGermanicStrenght in Battle
MiriamHebrewLady (variant of Maria, see above)
NicolettaGreekWho brings victory
NoemiHebrewPleasantness, joy
RaffaellaHebrewHealed by God
RebeccaHebrewTie, bind
RitaGreekPearl (see marghertia)
RobertaGermanOf splendant glory
RossanaGreekBright, splendent
SabinaLatinFrom Sabina (place)
SaraHewbrewLady, noblewoman
SerenaLatinSerene, calm
SilviaLatinOf the woods, wild
SimonaHewbrowThat who listens
SofiaGreekWise, sage
TulliaLatinRoman family name
ValentinaLatinStrong, with good health
ValeriaLatinRoman family name
ViolaLatinViolet, purple
ViolanteLatinProbably a variation of Viola (see above)

I hope you enjoyed this overview of popular Italian names for girls and it helped you pick one for your wonderful little girl!

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Marta Correale is an Italian mama of two. Born and raised in Rome, Marta has a passion for travel and especially enjoys showing off Italy to her kids, who are growing up to love it as much as she does! A classics graduate from the University of Rome, Marta channeled her passion for culture and travel into the creation of family travel websites that inspire, support and help curious visitors to make the most of a trip to Italy and learn about Italian culture on the way. Marta also manages the thriving online community of parents 'Italy with kids' who turn to her for expert advice and competent Italy travel planning support. She is the author of the travel guides 'Best of Rome with kids' and 'Best of Florence with kids' available on Amazon and of an array of kids printables (scavenger hunts, info booklets etc) available on her Etsy shop 'Mama Loves To Print'