Italian seasons and special occasions coloring sheets for kids (Free!)
Free, printable Italian special occasions coloring sheets for kids with the Italian seasons and special events for each, including a happy birthday coloring sheet
In previous posts, we have shared our Italian themed coloring pages and Italian Christmas coloring sheets; today, we add to the collection a few more and we look at seasons and special events you have in each.
The easiest way to download them in the best printable quality is by downloading them from this link – it opens in Dropbox: you do not need to install any apps or give any details, just follow the prompts to download your files and you’ll have them straight away!
These pages are for you to download for free, for your kids to use them. They cannot be redistributed, packaged or sold in any way shape or form – if you have a friend who’d like them, sent them onto this page and they can get them for free!
Remember you can also find the names of the seasons in Italian here.
Winter in Italy Coloring sheets
Winter in Italy is a time to wrap up with warm coats and scarves but also a time for special celebrations and events.
In December, we celebrate Christmas and New Years.
To wish someone a merry Christmas in Italian, we say Buon Natale.
To say Happy New Year in Italian, we say Buon anno!
In January, in Italy we celebrate the Epiphany: on the 6th of January La Befana comes to visit Italian kids, bringing sweets and coal (it’s a good gift! Learn why and all about the Epiphany in Italy here).
You can say ‘Buona Befana!’ If you want to wish someone a good day.
In February, just before Lent starts, we celebrate Carnevale. The most famous of all is the one in Venice.
Spring coloring sheets
In spring, we usually celebrate Easter!
Easter in Italian is Pasqua: so if you want to wish someone a Happy Easter in Italian, we say Buona Pasqua!
Summer Coloring sheet Italy
Summer in Italian is Estate. A big celebration in this season happens on the 15th of August (Ferragosto). This is a day off in Italy and you usually send wishes to people saying ‘Buon Ferragosto!
Italian Autumn / Fall coloring sheets
In fall, or Autunno, as we call it, there are two big festivities: Halloween and Thanskgiving, although neither is Italian!
Halloween is an Irish festivity in origin but Italy has now ‘borrowed’ it, especially thanks to the many American movies depicting it. Halloween keeps its name in Italian, but you can say Buon Halloween, if you want to wish someone a Happy Halloween in Italian!
Thanksgiving simply does not exist in Italy; however, we have a word for it, which is Ringraziamento. So if you want to wish someone a happy thanksgiving in Italian, you say Buon Giorno del Ringraziamento!
Happy birthday in Italian coloring sheet
Of course, we couldn’t forget a coloring sheet for a very special occasion: your birthday! In Italian, to wish someone a happy birthday we say Buon Compleanno or Tanti Auguri!